One of my early mentors had a directive: "Always look for ways you can plus the experience." To do this, ask yourself the question: "What could I do now that would make this experience even better, more fun for me and others?" Just by asking that question, ideas begin to bubble up and creative fun begins to flow about what you can bring alive.  
Kristy Tan Neckowicz's View From the Top: When was the last time you felt inspired in your work? There's a correlation between having a clear mission and being inspired.
The Professional Development Group is pleased to announce the addition of Ashley Russo as a Senior Consultant, leading Communication, Presentation & Media Training workshops and coaching.
I am thankful when clients share their successes with me. Shannon recently emailed to describe her epiphany on using assessments to do a better job of leading her team: "After I attended Talent@Work® and learned about my own communication style and motivators, I knew I wanted to have assessments done for my entire team. These assessments did more than give us a common language for communicating and collaborating. They also gave me the insights I needed to do a better job of leading."
Have you ever observed someone who struggled with speaking up to the boss?I could share hundreds of stories about professional men and women who didn't share their opinions, point out mistakes (even costly ones), or address conflict with the boss. Of all the fears I've helped people overcome as an executive coach, this one is the most common, even though the person I'm coaching didn't initially describe the issue this way.  
How do you help people who have "always done it this way" accept new ideas for doing things better?
What if one book could reveal to you how to find happiness, conquer fear, build stronger relationships, and create a life filled with purpose and passion – would you read it?
Fear is a powerful ally when it keeps us safe from potentially harmful situations--like driving too fast or walking alone at night in a dangerous area. Fear is NOT our ally when it prevents us from embracing opportunities for growth.
Kristy Tan Neckowicz's View From the Top: Have you ever wondered, "How do I get my boss to listen to me?" It's a question that comes up frequently in coaching sessions. In one particular session, Sarah, a manager of a growing team of analysts, was asking the question.
Thank you for being inspiring and aspiring leaders! Thank you for sharing your vision, for encouraging people to grow and develop, and for acknowledging the people on your team who make a contribution. Thank you for expressing gratitude to others in ways that help them to connect the dots about what is important in your organization.
