What's Your Plan for Being Known as a Star Performer? Are you thinking about next year's performance review results now?How your leadership team perceives you will have a direct impact on where you land in the succession plan. Will you be the next in line for promotion? Not sure? Then develop an action plan now. 
Feel like you’re drowning in a sea of clutter? Are piles of paper encroaching on your work space? Do you waste valuable time looking for needed items?It might be time to make yourself accountable for getting organized.
Do you recall people asking you why you wanted to go to college?  Many people asked me why I wanted to go to college and my reply was always the same, "I want to learn how to learn so I can keep learning all my life. I enjoy learning and want to be great at learning anything I decide I want to know."  That belief has served me well!
Years ago my son participated in an activity called Odyssey of the Mind. It’s a wonderful creative problem solving competition that promotes teamwork and creativity. The team he joined happened to be very successful, winning multiple state championships and even taking first place at the world competition in 2010.One day I asked the coach, Kate Early, “How did your team become so successful?”
Remember how much fun it was to measure your own growth as a child? My father designated a family growth chart next to a bookshelf. I loved watching my son make his own black line on the wall, complete with name, date, and height. He was thrilled to see that yes, he was in fact growing-- some years at an astonishing rate!It's useful to measure what matters to us and to delight in how we are changing for the better.
Do you ever deal with someone who seems stuck? Perhaps stuck in the past way of doing things? Or maybe stuck in a resentful story? Do you know what to do to engage the person to get unstuck and improve his or her performance?
Shawn Kent Hayashi quoted in Fast Company article “How to Say What You Really Mean In Conversations.”
Kristy Tan Neckowicz's View From the Top: An organization or business unit goes through a predictable set of challenges as it grows through the 7 Stages of Growth, according to James Fischer's extensive research.
Shiny red hearts are already showing up everywhere. Valentine's Day and its bold focus on emotion reminds us to reflect on what causes us to feel love and joy and make our heart beat faster.Most of my readers already know that when it comes to developing and leading successful teams, EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) matters just as much as IQ. A genius can create a brilliant product, but if she can't connect with people, she won't be able to lead the company that produces it.
