The Problem. Joe led a team of talented professionals, but noticed that communication differences often made it difficult for these smart people to work together.
The article below was written by my research partner, Ashley Bowers, President of TTI Performance Systems, Ltd. Psychological research has shown that our bodies and brains are connected.
The Problem. Tamara's boss did not listen to her. Over time she had developed a "no one hears me" thought pattern and viewed herself as a victim. As a result, she was not accomplishing what she wanted and not advancing in her career. Tamara was stuck in a rut. She needed to change something, but what?
Shawn Kent Hayashi shares that now is the time to evaluate the skill set that will catapult you to the life you believe that you can achieve. As you evaluate the skills that you have and look to develop the skills that need to be developed to help you achieve your goals, consider the following 24 skills that are necessary for great leadership in 2013!
The Client's Problem: Jacqueline is a senior manager whose boss had labeled her as "arrogant and defensive" after receiving feedback that she was difficult to report to.
Even good employees can get stuck. They may not be not able to problem solve through a difficult situation, or perhaps a personal crisis has affected job performance.Conversations for Employee Improvement
The Problem. Anya was almost hysterical on the phone. Her new manager, Meeta, gave her a "not meeting expectations" rating on her annual review and discussed putting Anya on a Performance Improvement Plan. Meeta also said that Anya would need additional training.
Employees who receive frequent criticism without acknowledgment of their strengths and abilities are being mismanaged. It's our responsibility as professional managers to see clearly what others do well.
Star performers in all walks of life need their own unique professional development plan to continue to grow to their highest self, both personally and professionally.I would like to give you my Professional Development Plan Process, so that you can choose 3 skills that you would like to develop.Shawn Kent Hayashi's Professional Development Plan Process
Recently, I interviewed Shawn to find out what communication tips she has for general managers, supervisors and safety professionals about how to improve their safety coaching and leadership communication skills.1. How do you recommend that safety professionals train new staff to develop their safety skills?
