When you mess up, focus on the fix. Whether missing a big deadline or mass emailing a confidential memo, everyone has messed up at work. Instead of dwelling on your error, focus on the fix and how to correct your blunder with these tips from Shawn Kent Hayashi, an executive coach in Center Valley, PA.
As summer winds down, it is a great time to pause and reflect. I love these questions: What did I learn this summer? How do I want to use that learning going forward?
Stop waiting for someone else to invest in YOUR professional development. Join our new webinar series that will change your career trajectory. We've combined our most popular workshop topics into six 1-hour webinars beginning September 17. Sign up now to reserve your seat.The professional development webinar series includes these topics:
Skilled leaders excel at communication. But many of us forget that the word "communicate" involves both talking and listening. We are so focused on ways for making ourselves heard that we forget that it is equally important to hear others.
Here it is: Criticism is a form of collaboration. Let’s face it, criticism is at the heart of conflict, and conflict is a problem that many of us don’t want to face for a variety of reasons.
Mari J. Frank, Esq., interviewed Shawn Kent Hayashi on Prescriptions for Healing Conflict (88.9FM). The discussion was on the importance of collaborationThe more we collaborate, listen to each other, work with each other, share interests with each other, listen to each other, and understand each other the less conflict or the less escalated conflict we are going to have.
Shawn Kent Hayashi is interviewed by Roy Richards from WebTalkRadio Health and Wellness on May 27, 2013.How many times in your career have you:
This article first appeared in Under30 Careers. The article reads: Our careers are important, but how many of us are willing to invest in ourselves in the same way that we expect companies to invest in us? Instead of being proactive about their own professional development, many employees sit back and wait for HR to tap them on the shoulder for mentoring programs, leadership seminars, even feedback about performance evaluation.
Business is more complex than it has ever been. Companies have to compete in a global economy, adapt to constantly shifting market trends, acquire and master new technologies that continually change how business is done.
Often it is said that women are afraid to negotiate for pay and raises because they view negotiation as confrontation. Successful negotiators know that when it comes to employment matters, negotiations are more of a conversation than a confrontation.
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