Are you going to summer BBQs and parties prepared to create conversations? This time of year offers great opportunities for creating Conversations for Connection. This week's Tip, from Conversations For Change™: 12 Ways to Say It Right When It Matters Most, focuses on Phrases and Questions to Start a Conversation.
Here are some ways to get a Conversation for Connection started:
- What is new for you?
- What have you been doing to enjoy this summer?
- I noticed in the news this morning . . . (at parties this is best if it is something positive that would not provoke a strong negative emotional reaction from others.)
- What are you passionate about?
- How did you meet our host?
- I understand you have extensive experience in _____ and I'd love to hear about it.
- What are some of the current trends you are seeing in your work? How are you benefiting from those trends?
- (Ask your host in advance who will be attending - check out their Linkedin Profile to see what opportunities might bubble up to discuss for example ...) I think we both had a similar experience - did you work for XYZ OR did you study in Spain?
Other ways to create meaningful conversations include:
- Share your own good news.
- Share something you learned that is interesting or useful.
- Tell a story that amused you.
- Share a new product you recently tried and what happened.
- Talk about a trend you have observed and ask if the other person has noticed this, too.