Did you set some new goals for yourself around January 1st? Would you like to be someone who experiences momentum in regularly meeting your goals? Are you excited as you daydream about meeting your goals? Do you want to feel the excitement from on-going momentum? Are you clear on your professional and personal commitments? Are you making progress with the goals you set for 2011?
In March we will explore Conversations for Commitment, Action and Accountability - these are the tools for momentum building!
As you reflect on the questions above, if you notice that you are not experiencing the kind of momentum you want, it is time for a Conversation for Commitment with yourself. On the other hand, if you are not experiencing momentum with your team or in a relationship, it is time to create a Conversation for Commitment with someone else.
The most important conversations we have are the ones we have with ourselves about what we are committed to!
Use a Conversation for Commitment when:
- Being clear on what you stand for
- Gaining alignment among team members towards a common goal
- Being clear on what it means to keep your word
- Asking someone to play a role on your team or board, or following up from a meeting in which next actions were identified
- Asking your boss or senior manager to support a proposal or idea you want to move forward
- You know who is responsible for what needs to happen next
- Demonstrating integrity (walking your talk)
Disengagement is the opposite of commitment. When people feel fear or anger it can trigger them to disengage instead of commit or take a clear stand. A recent Gallup study estimates that employee disengagement results in over $300 billion in lost productivity in the United States. It also says that more than 50 percent of current employees are disengaged in their work. When employees do not feel valued they will not commit themselves to their work or the organization.
What are you committed to? Have you written it out in language that is inspiring to you? Do you read your goals or intention statement to yourself daily? Every morning before I begin my work day, I read my goals and my commitments to myself about who I want to be for myself and others. For example, my first commitment is to serve people in ways that are meaningful to both of us so on my daily list my first line is: What can I do today to serve someone meaningfully? This is a good reminder to myself about what I am committed to doing. Answering this question inspires me and triggers the feeling of hope for me.
What are you committed to? Have you taken a stand that demonstrates this commitment? If we asked the people who work with or live with you what you are committed to would they know? What would they say? During the next week speak to others about what you are committed to and ask them about their goals and commitments.