It's a new year, and that's the perfect time to think about communication-not just a manager or leader's communication to their team, but what your team members communicate about themselves.
No matter where you are in your career, no matter what industry your organization focuses on, whether you are a professional in a suit or a professional athlete, the ultimate desired outcome is high performance. Considering that high performance and good decision-making are the ultimate outcomes, how are they attained? There is no doubt that general intelligence and technical skills contribute to high performance.
Q. It’s time for your yearly performance review. You aren’t expecting any big surprises, but you still feel a little nervous. How should you prepare for this meeting?
The holidays in November & December provide us with opportunities to express appreciation and gratitude in conversations. Have you ever thought about giving the gift of a great conversation?
Recently I’ve been asked a similar question by several Communication Tips readers. One of you worded it this way:“Yesterday I received feedback from someone who is important to me. He said, ‘You don’t hear me and I’m having a hard time getting your attention!’ When I look at my behavior I realize he is right. What can I do now?”Do you have a peer, boss, colleague, or family member who might be struggling to get your attention? If so, you will appreciate this video!
Yeah! We made it to the other side of a BIG move and we are now settled into new space. Moving, like any complex project, takes loads of communication ability and patience.
Several people shared with me that they want to change their space and / or that they are moving into new space. This has made me laugh out loud when I hear it because I am in the process of moving myself and so like when a person gets a red car they start to see red cars just like their own everywhere they go - that is now happening for me with people who want to make a change in their space.
Sometimes we want to create a change - perhaps we want to move to a new office or to learn new skills. Other times someone else initiates a change that we have to respond to - your spouse accepts a job in another state or your son decides to go to camp for the whole summer and you find yourself with an empty nest. Change is everywhere! Every industry and every company I work with is dealing with the implications of significant change that has occurred in the past few years.
Are you going to summer BBQs and parties prepared to create conversations? This time of year offers great opportunities for creating Conversations for Connection. This week's Tip, from Conversations For Change™: 12 Ways to Say It Right When It Matters Most, focuses on Phrases and Questions to Start a Conversation.Here are some ways to get a Conversation for Connection started:
I am deeply grateful that we have the potential to be free! We just celebrated Independence Day on July 4th in the United States. When you hear the words "Independence Day" what comes to mind?
